Poems of Category "Experimental" in English language

Poems Experimental (english)

Title Author:
"Cupid" 1 from March, 1990Meike Schrut
"Home? I have brought YOU in no home."Meike Schrut
"Thoughts to the film "of The readers" (The reader)Meike Schrut
Aura ConcienseNick Maatjes
Belonging (the shortest holorhyme)Volodymyr Knyr
Berlin ReasonsBernhard Pappe
Cirque de moiBessie Celeste
colorful form of considerationAndreas Gritsch
Comparatively absentSven Eisenberger
ConformistlyMeike Schrut
Curried ByeSven Eisenberger
Dada’s unfinished poetry (An experiment)Bernhard Pappe
Evil DreamsDirk Schumacher
For that womanMeike Schrut
full of funMaurizio Krüger
Gallant & On the WholeM@rioSkript
Game of WordsMarc Backhaus
Habituation timeMeike Schrut
Heart of stoneKlaus Meier
I put all my faith in youDirk Schumacher
I write a little more slowly.Meike Schrut
If the snow lies longerMeike Schrut
It are still my inspiration, but.....Meike Schrut
It needs no wordsMeike Schrut
June of another year.Meike Schrut
Just this hangman should and must die here!Meike Schrut
Killer Smile RockyRobin Carretti
Lives like in the reverse gearMeike Schrut
lottoGavan Duffy
Mancunian MistsMelanie Schäfer
Midnight LambruscoBessie Celeste
my ideas from 1989 to the film "Yentl"Meike Schrut
No 2nd child, but.....Meike Schrut
Old Gaffer GanderMollyBee Welkin
Old longingsMeike Schrut
One tries itMeike Schrut
Pieces out of my mind (Inspiration over a long time)Bernhard Pappe
Prince of BarknessLianna Fox
ProcessingMeike Schrut
QuerulantMeike Schrut
RavingMelanie Schäfer
Rum in AmsterdamLianna Fox
Social (s)kills at first....Susanne Bruschke
SoliloquiesMeike Schrut
Sophistications MirrorM@rioSkript
Soul painMeike Schrut
Spoke and word GamesMeike Schrut
The Blue Eye (Bilingüe Español-Inglés).Joel Fortunato Reyes Pérez
The confusingMeike Schrut
The feeling, the longing remains for goodMeike Schrut
The first snowMeike Schrut
The Hierophant of Unspeakable Evil (Poetic Rap)Andre M. Pietroschek
The invariable gardener - ( The constant gardener )Meike Schrut
The lie useMeike Schrut
The life hid?Meike Schrut
The pastMeike Schrut
The recordedMeike Schrut
The three most important foundations of povertyThomas Kreuter
This kind of summerMeike Schrut
Undefine the rulesAlexander Schulz
What one does not have, one cannot loseMeike Schrut
WhenKlaus Meier
Why I wait for the time...Meike Schrut
William Blake‘s laughter - An inner psychedelic songbook (4)Bernhard Pappe
wokeGavan Duffy