Christina Dittwald

A love so deep

We had it all and thought of it no more
the worries and the sleepless nights of yore
the days of playground, visits to the ped
so sweet their skins like velvet- tears we shed

we bought a leather couch soft to the touch
we knew no sticky fingers came to clutch
collection of rare china was displayed
and our orchids daintily we sprayed

 two years ago the adults' home was shattered
the grandson came and on the couch he splattered
his yoghurt and he broke the porcellain figure
and this for us was such a perfect trigger

we packed the china said goodbye to stuff
in came toy boxes,lego, bears, giraffe
this time we relish nights without much sleep
and hug our grandson with this love so deep

no greater bliss on earth we lately had
no other fun and laughter but this lad
right now for us there is no bigger joy
in years to come than cherishing that boy


All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of Christina Dittwald.
Published on on 04/04/2014.


The author


Book by Christina Dittwald:


Die Geschichte von Ella und Paul von Christina Dittwald

Der Schutzengel Paul verliebt sich in Ella, seine junge Schutzbefohlene. Schwierig, schwierig, denn verliebte Schutzengel verlieren ihren Status. Ella hat Schutz bitter nötig... und so müssen die beiden sich etwas einfallen lassen. Eine große Rolle spielt dabei ein Liebesschloss mit den Namen der beiden an einer Brücke über einen großen Fluss. Die reale Welt mischt sich mit Fantasy und Traumsequenzen.

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