John Robinson

Tango in Tingo Maria

Tango In Tingo Maria

Creating the Cybernetic Woman Part: 1

Historical Background: Jorge Jesus Vasquez


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A Note From the Author, me –John R. Starvele


My penname was suggested by a fellow electrician, while I was writing my first work -this one-. It’s derived from starving electrician.


Cybernetic women are walking among us already. Perhaps you can spot one. She may take the image that haunted me before I took up writing this novel early in 1995. She was an attractive young blond woman -young enough to be my daughter- wearing gold-mirrored one-piece wrap-around lens sunglass. I was following her -an old man with back problems bent over with a cane. She turns to face me and I nearly ran into her. She smiles down at hunched over me as she with her right hand reaches up and lifts her blond hair up and off the side of her head to reveal that her black sunglasses temple pieces go back to a shallow domed cup where her ear would be. It’s oblivious that the glasses and the ear cups are permanent. There was also the feeling that she was smiling at me because I had been instrumental in making her ‘Cybernetic Transition’ possible and she was delighted with equipment.


I also wonder if my daughter may succumb to allure of the equipment? Something that looks like a pair of sunglasses that give you complete computer access and the world wide Internet, email, telephone, television a library recording of books, movies, music, auditory and visual files, and visual and auditory enhancements could be very alluring. I think as old as I am I would like to try it.


The first draft of Creating the Cybernetic Woman © 1995 started with pencil –to erase the many mistakes- and lined yellow pad. 40 pages evolved that were unreadable even to me later. I realized this wasn’t going to make it so I learned how to use and IBM XT to write the story. Several computer problems later and hard-drive crash recovery a new drive I finished the first version. Later is 1997 I up graded to a modern PC and that brought on who host of new learning problems and the transition of the story to MS Word from the word processing program I had used.


Since the first writing many changes and enhancements and other stories have evolved. This was the first chapter of my first work and is almost untouched. The chapters were named after the characters in book. The first one was ‘Jorge’. I have given it new title for this series.



Tango In Tingo Maria


Vasquez Hacienda, above Tingo Maria in the Ceja De Mointana of the Hualaga Valley, Cordillera Azul Mountains, Peru


It was a hot steamy summer January day, even this high in the Cordillera Azul Mountains, in the higher Selva or the eyebrows of the jungle. Jorge Jesus Rodriguz ye Vasquez, the youngest of a family of six children sweated profusely while working in a field of maize; his sweat was dripping on his thick glasses, blurring his vision of his surroundings but not his perspective on life. The sun was almost directly overhead was burning his black hair as he leaned on his hoe to wipe his glasses, so he could see the miserable crop. He was looking forward to siesta, but it wouldn’t solve anything. He was thinning the knee high maize with a hoe, the maize did not really need thinning.


Jorge though: The field had always been used for the family crop of maize for as long as I can remember and each year it becomes more played-out. Still, Jose holds to the tradition of planting maize in the same field. He’s such a fool.


Jose, Jorge’s older brother was seven centimeters (2 12/16”) taller than Jorge’s one-point-sixty-five meters (5’5”) and more developed from working the fields. By the laws of Peru and most of South America countries, Jose would be the sole inheritor of the Hacienda from his father.


“Jorge, stop leaning on that hoe you lazy slacker. I want this row and three more done by siesta.”


“Why waste the time thinning this paltry crop. If you and Pop would apply modern agriculture methods, from The University in Tingo Maria, we might not be so destitute.”


“We’re not destitute. We have ten vassals working for us. Now, get back to work.”


Jorge, tired from working the field and fed up with unreasoning authority, like many thirteen-year-olds, decided to use the hoe on his brother rather than the crop. Jorge thought:


It might be more productive.



Jorge’s father had an admiration for Jorge Simon Bolivar who had, liberated Peru from French tyranny. The other Jorge that fascinated Rauel Vasquez was George Washington, another great military leader, a Country President and hacienda owner like himself, so he named his sixth son Jorge. Jorge’s mother, Angelica decided that her youngest child should find a place in the Church because there would be little place for him in property ownership, so, she planed a divine future for Jorge and named him Jesus.


Jorge’s younger years were like many younger children in Peru; he played some and worked hours at chores on the hacienda. Jorge was intelligent and desired to learn to read and write because so much of importance occurred from the proclamations and agreements that his father and oldest brother agreed to. He learned quickly to read and write in the Church School. Jorge had openly challenged his oldest brother’s agricultural methods for many years, but this was the first time he had turned to violence, swinging the hoe.



Jose intercepted the, hoe before Jorge could hit him. They wrestle with the hoe as their father, Raul Vasquez rushed toward them, panting and shouting between labored breaths.


“Stop it. ... Stop it. ... Right, ... now, boys. ... We have ... to set an ... example ... for our ... vassals ... of unity ... and leadership.”


Raul took a pill from his pocket and placed it under tongue, removing his straw hat and wiping the sweat from his baldhead, before continuing his tirade. Jorge and Jose finally put down the hoe as they realized that everyone in the field was starring at them, looking to them for leadership. Raul posed a question more out of emotion than the usual leadership role. The phrasing may very well have disturbed the delicate balance of authority that they held over their vassals.


“Now ... just what the #@$#*(&^^(^( is going on?”


Jose answered, “He attacked me for no good reason.”


“Jorge, is that true?”


“He so stupid to keep doing same unproductive things over and over. There are better ways to make a living.”


“Then you swung the hoe at your brother.”


“Is there any sign of it?”


“Well, you two were wrestling over a hoe.”


“Jose may have swung the hoe at me. Ask Carlos, or Juan, they may have been watching.”


“Carlos, Juan?”


“Master, I was busy hoeing. I didn’t see a thing.”


“Well, Juan?”


“No master.”


Jorge replied with. “Just what credence does Jose word have then, If no one can verify what he said?”


“Now, Jorge, your brother going to take over the hacienda from me soon and he’s going to need your cooperation in running it.”


“Yes Pop we need to cooperate for our mutual benefit.”


Jorge thought: Llama shit.


“Jorge, you say there are better ways, well may be time you tried some of them. Take the southeast five hectare (12.35-A) and show us how.”


“That’s a barren almost vertical slope?”


“Well get back to work and no more disrespect for your bother in front or the vassals.”


“All right Pop, I will.”


Jorge’s father was hoping a small failure would humble him, but Jorge took to the challenge, walking with a pack back, a day down the jungle slopes into Tingo Maria and the University Library, to study soils, climatic conditions, and cops, in preparation for his newly acquired land.


Library at the University, Tingo Maria, Peru


At the entrance of the Library, late in the day, he tried to enter with a group of students going in. A stern administrator quickly routed him out of the flock.


“You, you. Yes, you. Were do you think your going? Only students are entitled to use the Library.”


Jorge turned to face the Librarian.


“Excellency this is a public University and a library established for agricultural improvements; my family could use help on our hacienda right now. I and my family, Vasquez, are part of the public so why can’t I go in and study?”


“Kid, are you enrolled? Have you paid your tuition?”


“What’s tuition? I thought the government cared about us, up in the hills, and improving our lives, isn’t that’s the whole purpose of the University?”


“I suppose it wouldn’t make any difference if I let you in but you can’t take any of the books.”


After days of deliberations, as Jorge cultivated his relationship with the Librarian, he found a crop suited to the soil and climate with the most lucrative return. He had no intention of being poor while his oldest brother became a landowner. The answer was so obvious to Jorge.


It was in coca.


Vasquez hacienda, above Tingo Maria, Peru


Jorge returned home, asking his father for help; his father reluctantly loaned him two of his older vassals, Jamie and Carlos, whom Jorge had know most of his life. They also liked Jorge and together, they cleared the hillside in the slash and burn technique used in tropical rain forests. Jorge returned alone to plant the coca bushes and later to weed and thin them; they grew well. Jorge’s father wondered about his crop but lacked the stamina to go see it; Jorge’s brothers were too busy.




The second year the foliage was good enough to pick so Jorge again asked for the help of Jamie and Carlos during the off season on the hacienda. They picked only the largest leaves, leaving the smaller leaves to mature. They each carried a sack of leaves plus the two large baskets on the back of Jamie’s burro’s, as they set off down slope to the marked in town.


A small band, of Paco Escobar men, leading burros carrying coca leaves, were also headed down the mountains to one of their many coca leaf conversion sites. In the miles and miles of jungle the two groups crossed at a bend in the narrow trail. Paco’s men were cautious because of their years in the profession and took cover on the sides of the trail at the approach of Jorge, Jamie and Carlos who walk right in the middle of the group. Paco’s men rushed from the jungle. Another burro to carry supplies would be welcome, two unarmed old men and a kid wouldn’t provide much opposition to their procurement.


The leader of Paco’s band approached Jamie saying, “Give me the burro and we let you live.”


“No I need him for my farm.”


The leader stabbed Jamie while the other men were investigating the baskets. Jamie fell, fatally wounded.


“Now you won’t have worry about having a burro to work the farm ... ha, ha, ha.” replied the leader.


Another thug opened a basked and exclaimed, “Look it what we have here. It looks like we have some competition.”


Jorge dropped his sack, as did Carlos.


“Well, not for long. If you two don’t want to join your friend, find another occupation.”


Paco’s thugs picked up the sacks, taking Jamie’s burro as they left. As soon as, Jorge was sure the marauders were out of sight, he said to Carlos, “Take care of Jamie.”


Jorge, more furious than frightened, disappeared into the jungle a small, fifteen, year-old boy can remain unnoticed in the jungle easier than six men leading seven burros especially when they do not fear a reprisal. Jorge followed them to their destination, a coca leaf conversion pit; he watched, as the men filled the pit and trampled the leaves. Jorge concluded, from their behavior, and his brief studies of coca processing, that they would be awhile converting the leaves into paste and while they were, they were vulnerable. If his timing was right he could walk off with the entire lot of paste; however, he was going to need help. Jorge couldn’t go to his father, who would disapprove of his crop.


Jorge had learned several things from that day although he may not have known it at the time:


1: Diversify your means of living, be it transport, market, or crops. It eventually came to mean types of business.


2: There are quicker ways to turn a profit then farming, some of which are less than honorable.


3: Protection of your valuables is necessary, and


4: There are risks in any business, that are not always foreseen, so the larger the profit margins the better. Take the profits and save them in case of a disaster.


Jorge went into Tingo Maria to the librarian and inquired where he could hire the personnel he needed for recapturing his crop. The librarian suggested a bar, wanting no more to do with the venture.


Jorge found three men in the bar interested in helping him, but not without money.


He had returned home to steal several items of value. His mother’s gold plated cross for one. He learned about liquid assets, deposits or up front money because with his pawned cash he was only able to retain the services of these experts who wanted the balance upon completion of their task.


One of many of Paco Escobar’s coca conversion pits, above Tingo Maria, Peru


It had been a week that Jorge and his experts watched the pit as Paco’s men worked the leaves. They had decided to let them do the work of converting the leaves to paste. Late in the afternoon, during siesta, as Jorge and the other tried to sleep in the seamy hot day Juan came running in to their temporary camp.


“Underlay! Underlay! The truck has come with a jeep! They are scraping the paste into buckets.”


Jorge responded, “How many?”




“We need surprise on our side. Juan take the roadblock as we planned, the rest of us will flank them. How long will it take you to get into position?”


“Ten minutes.”


“OK. No one do anything until I give the signal.”


“Here kid take this.” said Julio as he handed Jorge his rifle.


“What’s the signal.”


“You‘ll know it when I give it.” Jorge looked over the rifle.


Jorge gave them the ten minutes as he waited in his place in the undergrowth looking over the clearing the conversion pit and all five of Paco’s men were in sight. He carefully aimed his riffle at the head of the leader and squeezed the trigger. The leader dropped. Jorge carefully took aim on another and another. Juan had dropped a log across the road when he heard the shot. The others were picking their targets too. Paco’s remaining men returned fire randomly into the jungle before they went down.


With Paco’s men dead they finished loading the truck and with the jeep they headed for market in Pucallpa. All the paste was sold and Jorge paid off the mercenary’s fee adding a bonus that amounted to half the sale. He kept the remaining 50% that he used to buy the pawned things back returning home to the hacienda with a truck, money and the family belongings. He lied to his family about recovering the stolen items and the truck was well received on the hacienda.


Jorge learned from the experience that a refined version of coca leaves was easier to transport and brought a better sale price. He retained his specialized help. His second picking went to market in paste form without molestation due to his expert help and brought a price that barely paid his three enforcement people’s wages for the year.


In town, the truck this time caught the attention Paco Escobar’s men, who followed it to the Vasquez hacienda.


Vasquez Hacienda, above Tingo Maria, Peru


The Vasquez family slept peacefully, as did Paco Escobar, but Paco’s special troops were busy surrounding the central buildings of the poor Vasquez hacienda. At zero-three-hundred hours five mortars discharged simultaneously. An Apache helicopter popped above the hills, salvoing four rockets, a tank began lobbing shells and numerous machine-guns emplacement setup during the night fired continuously. Paco’s old truck was one of the first targets. For fifteen minuets there wasn’t a pause in the fire as the helicopter swept the building with fire and alternately fired its remaining rockets; the tank lobbed round after round. Then the troops and tank advanced, finishing off any living thing they found, plundering what was left. A bulldozer finished what the tank hadn’t, making a pile that the flame-throwers ignited.


Paco Escobar’s Hacienda, above Tingo Maria, Peru


Paco arose from his sleep a little after sunrise. He walked through the French doors of his elegant bedroom, stepping upon the verandah, he scanned the horizon. He noted the rising black smoke on the horizon and announced to his valet, “I think I’ll take breakfast on the verandah today. It’s such a lovely morning.”


Paco lit a Cuban cigar and ate his breakfast as the smoke continued to rise from the horizon.


Southeast 5 hectares of the Vasquez hacienda, above Tingo Maria, Peru


The single occupant, of a tent on the closest to level portion of the remote slope was violently awaken from has sleep by the conflict going on down slope. As he steeped from his tent a massive foreboding overcame him as he looked down the hillside to his family home engulfed in Armageddon.


Vasquez’s Hacienda, above Tingo Maria, Peru


Jorge of the jungle returned home to search for survivors only to find a newly arrived compassionate Government tax collector.


“Senior Vasquez.”




“I demand immediate payment of your family’s property taxes.”


“Where was the Government when this happened? What good is the government? I refuse to pay a worthless government.”


“Then we will proceed with seizure.”


Jorge walked away homeless and the Peruvian Government parceled out his family’s hacienda to various people. Most worked for Paco Escobar. Jorge developed a deep hatred for the Government and Paco Escobar.


Back alleys, Tingo Maria, Peru


Jorge Vasquez, homeless in Tingo Maria, came to join a group that wanted more equitable division of land and representation in government, La Segunda Lumisina, called The Walk in the Light or The Shining Path. The movement in the Huallaga Valley was formidable unlike others in Peru. Huallaga Valley Segunda Lumins were a frequent nuisance attacking government personnel, tax collectors and small groups of Government advisers, with an occasional government bank thrown in for funds.


Jorge was impressed with the fanaticism, the sacrifices members of Segunda Luminsa made in the name of the cause without remuneration. Jorge reasoned: If I’m going to build anything I need devoted people to a cause, even if I have to manufacture the cause. He took an active role in Segunda Luminsa gaining influence in hopes of steering it for his own aspiration and advancement. Jorge studied Abimael Guzman speaking techniques and began speaking for morale purposes. He was a strong persuader and leader like Guzman and began influencing the cell’s operations.


A remote jungle compound, above Tingo Maria, Peru


Jorge had just finished a speech for his cell and was retiring from the platform when a small, thin, one-point-sixty-five meters (5’5”) dark, pocked face man pushed his way trough the troops toward him. Jorge had grown another seven centimeters (2 3/4”), developed in the shoulders and lost substantial amounts of hair since he was thirteen.


“Comrade Vasquez.”


Jorge attention was immediately drawn to the small man dress in a comrade chairman’s jacket, rare in hills of Peru.


Jorge thought: He must be emissary from China. I better pay attention to him. We need supplies and all the support we can get.


“Yes Comrade what can I do for you.”


“Comrade Vasquez, I would just like to tell you, your speech was most inspirational and equal to Senior Guzman in motivation. It’s good to finally be home again after so many years in China, to join The Cause.”


Well, at least he likes what he seen so far. We still have a chance of there support. Did he say he was from here?


“Welcome home Comrade ....?


“Dispensame, Comrade Vasquez, I’m Doctor Circe Igunalnonsolas and I’ve been assigned to you medical staff.”


What a name! Circe was a mythological person that turned men into swine and the last name lizard not in the sun. Under a rock?


“What kind of training have you had?”


“College plus full medical school and year with the Red Guard.”


“Most impressive, I’m glad to have such well educated man with us.”



They left together, Doctor Igunalnonsolas continued to tell Jorge what wonderful gift he had for inspiring The Cause. Jorge discussed the visions of The Cause in Peru and the world as he thought Doctor Igunalnonsolas would want to hear them.


Jorge, because of his life circumstances had never had a chance or perhaps the desire to developed a relationship with a woman. Doctor Igunalnasolas had the opportunity in Red China; during his education however; La Segunda Luminsa cause eclipsed his personal desires. The first time Doctor Igunalnasolas heard Jorge speak, he felt an incredible physical attraction for the man who so eloquently inspired his men. He enjoyed spending time with Jorge and Jorge came to like Doctor Igunalnasolas, because he was one of the best-educated men in his troops that he could share his perception of the future with. As the relationship grew, Jorge’s insights became closer to what he really wanted and Doctor Igunalnonsolas modified his beliefs to that of his lover. They discussed the higher things of life, eventually the discussions moved into the bedroom in relationship that satisfied both for many years.


Outside perimeter of Paco Escobar’s compound, above Tingo Maria


Paco Escobar’s compound was eventually chosen as a target although many of the cell objected because of it well-defended perimeter and lack of importance to the government. So, early one morning at sunrise Jorge’s band of Segunda Luminisa surrounded it with all their forces and equipment. They were the best prepared that they had ever been with supplies from their ally, The Peoples Republic of China. They waited for sunrise.


The sun slowly crept from behind the peaks of the Cordilla Azula Mountains and Jorge commenced his attack completely surprising Paco’s still sleeping men. There was little resistance and Jorge’s band of Segunda Luminisa killed, burned looted, while Jorge stood watching. A group of soldiers dragged a well-dressed, old, fat, man, from the house, Paco Escobar, to him. As Jorge’s men held Paco Escobar George said, “Paco, remember me?”


“You’re the kid who stole my product and killed my men. I though I had taken care of you and your family.”


“Your men killed my family but they missed me, and now I’m going take care of you the way I would any fat old pig.”


“Kid, if you do, you’ll just take my place.”


Jorge slowly drew his knife, approaching Paco with surgical precision cutting both Paco carotid arteries, then backed away.


“Let him go.”


Paco took couple of steps toward Jorge and fell.


Another group of soldiers, who were searching the buildings, opened the doors on a special building revealing it full of plastic bags. The soldier cut open a bag and white power leaked from it as he turned and walked toward Jorge with it in his hand.


“We raided the drug lord that killed your family now what are we going to do with this crap, your Excellency?”


Jorge replied, “It’s good as gold. It’ll buy weapons and supplies for Our Cause just as well as gold and the other things you’re plundering.”


A second soldier left the building and joined the conference.


“I think we should destroy it and not spread the misery. Don’t you agree, Doctor?”


Doctor Igunalnonsolas joined the discussion.


“Our Cause could use the aid. I agree with Jorge money is money. It’s not our people that will be miserable, but the government’s people and those Yankees capitalist.”


Jorge noted that things that could be had by the crops he had once chosen. The end justified the means to Jorge. He had the product loaded up and taken to market in spite of the protest of many of the insurgents. The money from the sales of the product bolstered the coffers of La Segunda Luminsa. Others in La Segunda Luminsa believed in free enterprise and resented the laws of the Government prohibiting a trade that they could make a good living at.



The Enlightened were not good fighters. They lacked the training and technical expertise so Jorge recruited teachers for his troops with the profits from drug sales. Mercenaries were about the only well trained soldiers Jorge could recruit. His using mercenaries did improve the fighting capabilities of his cell of La Segunda Luminsa to where it was the best in the country, but their salaries became a problem that caused Jorge to aggressively raid other opulent drug lords for operating capital. The fight raged on between drug lords, the Government and La Segunda Luminsa. Many were killed, but not many from Jorge’s cell. Eventually a truce was negotiated and pardons were issued and the abandon lands were dispersed.


District governor’s office, Tingo Maria, Peru


Jorge was at the head of a long line of men in military fatigue uniforms facing a large desk. The District Governor was on the other side parceling out abandon lands.


The District Governor addressed Jorge, “Senor Vasques, now we have peace and you and your men have been pardoned, let’s keep it that way. I’m going to give you back your old hacienda and several adjoining ones in the hopes that you’ll find farming more profitable than revolutions.”


Jorge pushed his next man forward, retreating to the doorway to talk with a blond soldier who is obviously not a native of Peru and was a mercenary.


“Take all you can get. If you don’t want the land and still want a good campaign, I’ll buy your land and find you lucrative cause, but I hope you will remember me in your new employment. I really appreciate all you have done for me Ernst. I like to call you back.”


Jorge waited for his men Outside the Government District Office in the plaza as his men depart the building they gather about him in the plaza.


“Men, men, I do not consider the revolution over. We will continue training and getting more weapons, in preparation for the next time. In the meantime, I want you to plant coca on the majority of your new lands so we’ll have funds for Our Cause. I’ll take care of you and your crops.”



The mercenaries had no desire to work or possess land. They were interested in money and being through with Peruvian highlands. Jorge bought out as many of their contracts as he could acquiring more land than his family ever had.


Jorge had no means of working the land so he offered it to local people. The catch was that Jorge required they spend two years of service in his band of Segunda Luminisa protecting the land before he would sign over ownership; their families could work the land while they were soldiers. Jorge took personal belongings from his prospective buyers as down payment and were used to pay his mercenaries. This policy of recruitment attracted many local people into what was becoming one of the best-trained protective band in Peru. Jorge also allowed the conversion of land contract to cash if the person developed a taste for military life and didn’t want to return to the land. Jorge continued to recruit mercenaries as trainers.


Jorge’s funds were running low as the first crop came in. During the period they had been stockpiling weapons and supplies for reducing the leaves to something more easily transported out of the highlands. The yield was so great Jorge knew he needed more than the local markets so he began exploring alternative markets. The paste went to many cities for sale, diversify. Jorge watched where the product went and took note of how much more the sale price was. He began bypassing his original markets. He always provided protection for the product to the market.


One of his most significant by-pass deals dealt directly with a state attorney general in the US just west of the Mississippi. Jorge’s funds help make him Governor of that state end eventually even the President of the United States. The deal he made allowed him to fly large transport airplanes into an airport just south of the state capital, Little Forks. State Police cars and vans would meet the airplanes and transport the product out of state. The profits continued to increase and Jorge didn’t waste the profits he reinvested in land machinery and men for his growing Vasquez Enterprises and Distribution System, the remaining active cell of Segunda Luminesa.


The crops became more diversified as he moved into hemp, poppies and marijuana bring in equal profits. More land was acquired and even moved on to different Continents. As Jorge expanded, he created business to fill the developing needs. Jorge took note of what happened to his mercenaries after they left his employment. He found that most of them became employed in other military services around the world but not always right a way. Jorge decided to help them become employed, for a fee. As he started placing his former mercenaries, he found the hiring institution would pay the placement fee and a percentage of the mercenary’s salary so he stopped charging the fee to his departing military experts. Thus, began Jorge’s Military Expert Employment Agency.


Jorge’s agency began recruitment to supply anyone for a fee; it didn’t matter what the cause was. Jorge could take his pick of personnel for his own staff and often did for evaluation and further training before placing them. The placement agency did so well, that he also started placing support people like technicians: doctors, nurses, cooks, and others. Many of the South American armies and revolutionary groups were mostly troops from his placement agency; thus when he had illegal product to be moved a small skirmish would breakout between forces preventing government officials from taking any action because they were too preoccupied.


From his contact with these military groups he found that they always needed equipment for the soldiers that they had hired and thus began another of Jorge’s businesses. High-tech weapons to who ever had the capital; his mercenaries used these weapons, because they were the ones that knew how to use them.


Jorge, while all this was going on was becoming wealthier expanding his enterprises and eventually, legal businesses were purchased, as their products were needed. For example, His doctors need medical supplies so he bough a pharmaceutical company, Peruvian Pharmaceutical. His soldiers need medical treatment so he built a small clinic with a scenic view of Tingo Maria. It was far enough in the mountains above the town that local officials wouldn’t bother it; yet close enough to bring in medical supplies and staff. The clinic grew into the Santa Rosa Hospital with the Catholic Church’s blessing. The Catholic Church helped with the funds for construction and later the staffing of the hospital since their parishioners used the facility as well.


The news of such a large hospital construction traveled the country side and came to the attention of an aggressive opportunist salesperson from LenTri, Hester Krispmann, who asked Jorge for a meeting to discuss supplying the hospital’s electronic and computer needs; Jorge agreed to meet Hester at the site.


Next Story in Creating the Cybernetic Woman part 2 is: ‘Prospecting for Gold or Prostitution?’ Historical background Hester/K-9

All rights belong to its author. It was published on by demand of John Robinson.
Published on on 02/16/2009.


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