Rolph David (Germany)

Hallo an alle Lesebegeisterten und Liebhaber von Gedichten und Kurzprosa,

ich heiße Rolph R. David und schreibe seit meinen Jugendtagen. Meine kreativste Phase lag zweifelsohne in den 90er Jahren. Viele Gedichte, die in dieser Zeit entstanden, wurden in Französisch und Englisch verfasst, da ich mich in diesen Sprachen am besten ausdrücken kann. Ich schreibe aber auch auf Deutsch - dann aber überwiegend Sachbücher über die englischsprachige Welt, ihre Eigen- und Besonderheiten. 

Mein Gedichtband "Les Poèmes de L'herbe Noire" erschien vor langer Zeit beim Minerva-Verlag.  Ein Sachartikel über Großbritannien erschien u.a. im Buch "Feste feiern in Europa" des Europa-Verlages. Derzeit arbeite ich an meinem 4. Band über Wissenswertes der englischsprachigen Welt. 

Seit einiger Zeit versuche ich auch, meine komische Ader schriftstellerisch in Szene zu setzen. Besonders Limericks haben es mir angetan, allen voran das Opus von Roald Dahl. Ich habe kein spezielles Sujet, über das ich am liebsten schreibe, doch viele meiner Gedichte fußen auf Dingen, die mich tagtäglich umtreiben, mich beschäftigen oder sogar bedrücken - so vor allem Geschichtliches, Philosophisches und vor allem Politisches bzw. das jeweils aktuelle Weltgeschehen, das ich so zu kommentieren und beschreiben versuche. 

Viele meiner Gedichte (aber auch Kurzgeschichten) haben einen historischen Kern, viele meiner französischen Werke sind vor allem angelehnt an die Dichtkunst von Baudelaire, Verlaine und Rimbaud. Das Düstere, Tragische, Dunkle, Undurchschaubare reizt mich dabei im Besonderen.  Aber auch das Lustige und Herzzerreißende!

Das war's fürs Erste!

Viel Spaß beim Lesen meiner Beiträge! 


Hello to all reading enthusiasts and lovers of poetry and short prose,

My name is Rolph R. David and I have been writing since my youth. My most creative phase was undoubtedly in the 90s. Many of the poems I wrote during this time were in French and English, as these are the languages in which I can express myself best. However, I also write in German - but then mainly non-fiction books about the English-speaking world, its peculiarities and characteristics. 

My poetry collection "Les Poèmes de L'herbe Noire" was published a long time ago by Minerva Publishing House, London. A non-fiction article appeared in the book "Feste feiern in Europa" (i.e. Celebrating Festivals in Europe) published by Europa Verlag, Germany. I am currently working on my 4th volume on interesting facts about the English-speaking world. 

For some time now, I have also been trying to put my comic streak into writing. I am particularly fond of limericks, especially Roald Dahl's opus. I don't have a particular subject that I prefer to write about, but many of my poems are based on things that concern me on a daily basis, that preoccupy me or even depress me - especially historical and political matters or current world events, which I try to comment on and describe. 

Many of my poems (but also short stories) have a historical core, and many of my French works are primarily inspired by the poetry of Baudelaire, Verlaine and Rimbaud. The gloomy, tragic, dark and inscrutable aspects are particularly appealing to me.  But also the funny and heartbreaking!

That's it for now!

Enjoy reading my posts!


Bonjour à tous les passionnés de lecture et aux amateurs de poésie et de prose courte,

Je m'appelle Rolph R. David et j'écris depuis ma jeunesse. Ma phase la plus créative se situe sans aucun doute dans les années 90. La plupart des poèmes que j'ai écrits à cette époque l'ont été en français et en anglais, car ce sont les langues dans lesquelles je m'exprime le mieux. Cependant, j'écris également en allemand, mais surtout des ouvrages non romanesques sur le monde anglophone, ses particularités et ses caractéristiques. 

Mon recueil de poèmes "Les Poèmes de L'herbe Noire" a été publié il y a longtemps par Minerva Verlag. Un article non fictionnel a été publié dans le livre "Feste feiern in Europa" ("Célébrer des fêtes en Europe") publié par Europa Verlag. Actuellement, je travaille sur mon 4e volume consacré à ce qu'il faut savoir sur le monde anglophone. 

Depuis quelque temps, j'essaie également de mettre par écrit mon côté comique. J'aime particulièrement les limericks, notamment l'opus de Roald Dahl. Je n'ai pas de sujet particulier sur lequel je préfère écrire, mais beaucoup de mes poèmes sont basés sur des choses qui me concernent au quotidien, qui me préoccupent ou même me dépriment - en particulier des sujets historiques et politiques ou des événements mondiaux actuels, que j'essaie de commenter et de décrire. 
Nombre de mes poèmes (mais aussi de mes nouvelles) ont un noyau historique, et beaucoup de mes uvres en français sont principalement inspirées par la poésie de Baudelaire, Verlaine et Rimbaud. Les aspects sombres, tragiques, obscurs et impénétrables m'attirent particulièrement.  Mais aussi les aspects drôles et déchirants!

C'est tout pour l'instant!

Bonne lecture !

Salve a tutti gli appassionati di lettura e agli amanti della poesia e della prosa breve,

mi chiamo Rolph R. David e scrivo fin dalla giovinezza. La mia fase più creativa è stata senza dubbio quella degli anni '90. Molte delle poesie che ho scritto in quel periodo erano in francese e in inglese, perché sono le lingue in cui riesco a esprimermi meglio. Tuttavia, scrivo anche in tedesco, ma soprattutto libri di saggistica sul mondo anglosassone, sulle sue peculiarità e caratteristiche. 

La mia raccolta di poesie Les Poèmes de L'herbe Noire è stata pubblicata molto tempo fa da Minerva-Verlag.  Un articolo di saggistica sulla Gran Bretagna è apparso nel libro Feste feiern in Europa pubblicato da Europa-Verlag. Attualmente sto lavorando al mio quarto volume su fatti interessanti del mondo anglofono. 

Da qualche tempo cerco anche di mettere per iscritto la mia vena comica. Sono particolarmente appassionato di limerick, soprattutto dell'opera di Roald Dahl. Non ho un argomento particolare su cui preferisco scrivere, ma molte delle mie poesie si basano su cose che mi riguardano quotidianamente, che mi preoccupano o addirittura mi deprimono - soprattutto eventi storici, filosofici e soprattutto politici o di attualità, che cerco di commentare e descrivere. 

Molte delle mie poesie (ma anche i racconti) hanno un nucleo storico, e molte delle mie opere francesi sono ispirate principalmente alla poesia di Baudelaire, Verlaine e Rimbaud. Gli aspetti cupi, tragici, oscuri e imperscrutabili mi attraggono particolarmente.  Ma anche quelli divertenti e strazianti!

Per ora è tutto!

Buona lettura dei miei post! 



Contact Rolph David


Sort list by: Date / Alphabet

2024 - A Look Ahead!01/02/2024 Everyday Life
2021 - Forever Over!12/31/2021 Thoughts
The Grace of Forgiveness - A Limerick11/13/2023 Everyday Life
120 Years Ago Today!12/17/2023 Remembrance
75 Years Of The German Basic Law05/23/2024 Everyday Life
A Brainless Proof. - A Limerick12/16/2023 Humour
A Dared Tryst. A Limerick12/07/2023 Humour
A Different Kind Of Merry X'mas!12/24/2023 Christmas
A Dubious Social Gaffe!12/02/2023 Politics & Society
A Graveyard Full Of Buried Hopes! - A Limerick03/09/2024 Emotions
A Poem Full Of Deceased Words!04/06/2024 Remembrance
A Quiet Defiance!07/05/2024 Everyday Life
A Regal Smile - A Limerick04/27/2024 Humour
A Sonnet About The Tribulation Of Life11/02/2023 Life
A Soul's Quest!02/11/2024 Everyday Life
A Tale of Two Childhoods!08/18/2024 Everyday Life
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All Is Vain! - A Sonnet04/18/2024 Everyday Life
Allons Enfants de la Patrie – The Grazing Shot!07/14/2024 Politics & Society
Always The Last Word – A Limerick11/14/2023 Life
An Enigma10/27/2023 Life
An Undeserved Social Ennoblement10/25/2023 Thoughts
Anne Boleyn's Last Words - A Sonnet.04/01/2024 Remembrance
Anne's Inglorious End - A Sonnet!04/04/2024 Remembrance
Be Brave: Protrude! - A Sonnet04/11/2024 Everyday Life
Be More Grateful!11/03/2023 Everyday Life
Beaucoup de bruit pour rien!02/12/2024 Everyday Life
Bee's Don't Bother!08/15/2024 Everyday Life
Believe It Or Not - A nighttime photo ban of the Eiffel Tower11/16/2023 Travel Stories / My Home Country
Beware of Gas Lighters!11/17/2023 Life
Beware Of The Spark Of Truth! – A Limerick12/25/2023 Humour
Beyond the Question Mark: Fate's Final Punctuation 04/15/2024 Friendship
Bitter Insight! - A Limerick03/08/2024 Everyday Life
Bushu Suru! - A Limerick03/13/2024 Politics & Society
Carnival's Birth and the Celebration of St. Martin11/11/2023 Remembrance
Character Cannot Be Photoshopped - A Limerick03/14/2024 Everyday Life
Consider This...A Limerick11/23/2023 Emotions
D-Day! An Elegy For The Fallen06/06/2024 War & Peace
Death by Silence08/24/2024 Politics & Society
Disgust For The World. A Limerick12/11/2023 Life
Don't You Worry Mate! - A Limerick12/14/2023 Humour
Essential Duality05/24/2024 Everyday Life
EVERYONE'S A GENIUS10/19/2023 Philosophical
Farewell12/10/2023 Remembrance
From Thoughts To Your Destiny11/06/2023 Thoughts
Generation Z: The Coddled Collapse!04/23/2024 Everyday Life
Germany On The Brink: Arise Before The Fall!07/15/2024 Politics & Society
Germany’s Fateful Day: 9 November11/09/2023 Remembrance
Give Me The Gift Of Your Absence. A mischievous limerick.11/28/2023 Humour
Happy New Year 2024! - A Haiku01/01/2024 General
Have A Merry Christmas! - A sad story.12/23/2023 Thoughts
Het Achterhuis! Reminiscences of Anne Frank06/13/2024 Remembrance
Hooray For Good Old STANDARD Time!10/29/2023 Everyday Life
If It's Not The Winter, It's... - A Limerick.12/08/2023 Everyday Life
In Her Absence!08/17/2024 Philosophical
In Prixie´s Grip12/19/2021 Fantasy
In Tyrants' Grip - A Vague Hope?10/18/2023 Politics & Society
It's All Borrowed!10/30/2023 Everyday Life
IT'S HALLOWEEN, BOO-HOO!10/31/2023 Remembrance
It's just...12/23/2021 Politics & Society
Just Three Things!11/01/2023 Everyday Life
KODOKUSHI02/02/2024 Remembrance
La culpabilité de l'innocent07/08/2022 Life
Le Ressac D'une Vague Affective02/14/2024 Life
Learn Inner Peace Through Our Battered Earth02/05/2024 Thoughts
Let It Be Trendy Again. A Limerick11/22/2023 Everyday Life
Life's Cat & Mouse10/24/2023 Everyday Life
Lost Two Kilos! - A Limerick04/07/2024 Humour
Love With Obstacles10/21/2023 Love & Romance
Madness Christmas!12/22/2023 Remembrance
Maternal Solitude06/17/2024 Everyday Life
Metamorphosis – A Limerick11/10/2023 Life
Metempsycose02/16/2024 General
Moonlit Lesson! - A Sonnet04/12/2024 Life
Not Everyone’s Cuppa – A Limerick12/09/2023 Emotions
Not My Cuppa! - A Limerick11/19/2023 Thoughts
ODE TO DEPRESSION10/20/2023 Loneliness
Ode To Vanity!04/19/2024 Life
Odyssee Of Hope - A Refugee's Trek04/21/2024 Sorrow
One Born Every Minute11/27/2023 Everyday Life
One Man's Victory, Another's Defeat! 04/08/2024 Remembrance
Parable Of The Swing - In Brecht's footsteps...04/22/2024 Politics & Society
Primadonna assoluta: A Divine Voice Died Away!12/03/2023 Remembrance
Pro dolor - Homo homini lupus non est!12/04/2023 Everyday Life
Questionable Celeb Glut11/21/2023 Life
”Raunächte” or The Twelve Nights After X’mas12/27/2023 General
Regal Reign In The African Plain. A Limerick11/07/2023 Everyday Life
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Rise Above!07/23/2024 Everyday Life
Sanctum of Solitude!07/04/2024 Loneliness
Shadows Of Salem02/07/2024 General
Shoot the Stork! - A Limerick.03/21/2024 Politics & Society
Silent Harvest: A Gong Farmer's Lament02/09/2024 Remembrance
Silent Prisons!08/19/2024 Politics & Society
Solomon's Sentence10/22/2023 Philosophical
Some Past In My Eyes11/04/2023 Everyday Life
Stick To The Facts!06/15/2024 Everyday Life
Störtebeker's Headless Gauntlet06/23/2024 Life
"Szomorú Vasárnap" – Gloomy Sunday – A Sonnet!04/14/2024 Emotions
Tall Poppy – A Limerick11/20/2023 Life
That's How It Always Started!05/28/2024 Politics & Society
The Architecture of Sacrifice08/23/2024 Everyday Life
The Beacon Within! - A Sonnet05/21/2024 Everyday Life
The Cruelty of Forced Existence!08/22/2024 General
The Darkening Path!07/21/2024 Politics & Society
The Demagogue!07/26/2024 Politics & Society
The End Of Schickelgruber's Tyranny05/08/2024 Remembrance
The Gambler's Misstep! - Macron's Fallacy!07/01/2024 Politics & Society
The Infinite Quest!07/08/2024 Philosophical
The Journey of Sometimes07/06/2024 Everyday Life
The Last Leaf07/07/2024 Philosophical
The Last Rule Of Trump!03/11/2024 Politics & Society
The Lie Machine!08/20/2024 Politics & Society
The Spectacle Of Discord: The Decline Of The ESC!05/12/2024 Everyday Life
The Story Of Ebenezer Scrooge!12/26/2023 General
The Three Sieves10/28/2023 Life
The Treacherous Feather06/22/2024 War & Peace
The Trump Trap07/16/2024 Politics & Society
The Tyrants We Were Warned About!08/25/2024 Politics & Society
The Uneven Hand!08/30/2024 Philosophical
The Waltons' Hymn of Yesteryears07/10/2024 Remembrance
To Live Is To Fight!02/28/2024 Everyday Life
True Love Undefined06/16/2024 Love & Romance
Trumpocentrism: The Mirror & The Throne09/15/2024 Psychological
Trump's Truth - A Limerick12/01/2023 Politics & Society
Truth In The Guise Of A Lie - A Limerick!04/17/2024 Everyday Life
Trying Times10/26/2023 Sorrow
U R What U Think. – A Limerick12/19/2023 Life
Ubuntu!12/05/2023 Thoughts
Un Delire D’Amour02/13/2024 Lovegrief
Unity in Diversity11/12/2023 Everyday Life
Vincent's Last Move12/12/2023 Remembrance
Walk! Don't Talk! - A Limerick12/15/2023 Life
Warnings Unheeded. History Repeats Itself!05/13/2024 Politics & Society
Wealth In The Everyday!06/01/2024 Everyday Life
What Goes Around, Comes Around!05/31/2024 Politics & Society
What Is The Sound Of One Hand Clapping? - A Limerick04/13/2024 Mystery
Where Love Falls...09/01/2024 Love & Romance
Whispers Of Disrupted Skies: The Turbulent Echoes11/08/2023 Politics & Society
Willy's Wise Advice - A Limerick!03/03/2024 Sorrow
Xing The Bar...on Tennyson's Tracks04/28/2024 Sorrow
You Are Missed Still!06/07/2024 Sorrow
YOU Had Decided So! – A Limerick03/31/2024 Everyday Life
CALIGULA: “Oderint, dum metuant!“ - Eine Tragödie05/19/2024Historie
Das zeitlose Exil!05/21/2024Unheimliche Geschichten
Der Doppelgänger!05/03/2024Unheimliche Geschichten
Der sechste Gast12/28/2021Wie das Leben so spielt
Felix' Schicksal!11/25/2023Unheimliche Geschichten
Flors ignorierte Warnungen04/15/2024Gesellschaftskritisches
Gedanken zum Tod Nawalnys02/16/2024Trauriges / Verzweiflung
NeMeSiS07/06/2022Lebensgeschichten & Schicksale
Paul und Virginia - Eine tragische Liebesgeschichte03/10/2024Wahre Geschichten
Rebecca - eine Tote auf dem Thron!02/25/2024Unheimliche Geschichten
Amors Rache02/21/2022Liebesgedichte
Auch eine weiße Rose wirft einen schwarzen Schatten!02/24/2024Aktuelles
Auf die Freiheit! 02/25/2024Weltpolitik
Carpe Diem!04/20/2024Lebensermunterung
Des Unschuldigen Schuld07/07/2022Klartext
Ich habe gefehlt!01/03/2022Beziehungen
Ich kenne deinen Vater!02/26/2024Das Leben
Im Fadenkreuz Russlands02/25/2022Aktuelles
Indulgenz der Unschuld!12/30/2021Das Leben
10 kleine Negerlein (sit venia verbo!)01/02/2022Kritisches
Lang lebe die Freiheit!02/24/2022Weltpolitik
Lebe deinen Traum!02/27/2024Lebensermunterung
Operation blau-gelber Frieden02/28/2022Aktuelles
Putins onirischer Griff nach den Sternen!03/04/2022Welt der Zukunft
Schuldig im Sinne der Anklage!02/08/2024Erfahrungen
Sei auf der Hut!02/29/2024Krieg & Frieden
Sei ohne Sorgen!02/20/2024Nachdenkliches
Späte Einsicht!02/18/2024Beziehungen

First release on 12/19/2021.

All rights belong to its author. is not responsible for from the author submitted content.